Welcome to our Site
Welcome to our Site
New Way Youth Services is an all girl's, Transitional Living Program located in Stroudsburg, PA. Our goal is to provide a community service agency committed to the reduction (and eventual eradication) of youth homelessness, mental illness, illiteracy, teen-aged pregnancy, chronic welfare dependency, and sex-trafficking while promoting the advancement of self-sufficiency and success through mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
View our new program summary here

New Way Youth Services
New Way Youth Services
COVID-19 Update
Greetings All,
As we all face this challenging time, going into a second year fighting the CoronaVirus, I’d like to start by stating that I continue to pray for our world and the countless families affected by the global CoronaVirus outbreak. We are overjoyed about the development of a vaccine that is available to every American at no cost and we wish to assure our services providers, community colleagues, residents, and families that New Way Youth Services is staying current with the recommendations given by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to prevent the likelihood of contracting and spreading this virus. To this end we are proud to report that 100% of our staff and residents are fully vaccinated.
We will continue to follow the CDC recommendation and be hyper vigilant with our health, hygiene, and daily cleaning practices. This includes but is not limited to: disinfecting commonly touched household items such as door knobs, handles, light switches, and banisters as well as frequently used areas such as bathrooms, bedrooms, and the kitchen several times throughout the day. Our residents are also advised on the importance of frequent hand washing and guided to wash their hands several times daily, especially after coming in from outside, using the restroom, engaging in program activities, and before entering a cooking area.
Despite the availability of vaccinations, with the increased rise of various COVID variants such as Delta and Omicron, visits to the program remain limited to essential community resource staff (caseworkers, mental health coordinator’s, etc.) who are being screened for wellness and exposure potential before visiting the premises. Family visits have been temporarily restricted on premises however contact via social media, telephone and video chatting is highly encouraged. In person family visits are coordinated with Children and Youth or a community resource such as Justice works and take place out of household after a COVID safety screening.
Appointments that have not been rescheduled due to office closings are being maintained via telephone, Skype, Facetime, or Zoom allowing for our residents to maintain their mental health appointments and medication needs. In person medical and psychological visits are scheduled and maintained whenever possible.
New Way Youth Services is continuing to accept referrals for placements and currently have bed availability. We would expect that in the event our program meets the needs of a child being referred, the referring county will provide the appropriate medical verifications that the child is safe to place and/or make known beforehand the need for special accommodations.
As always, it is our pleasure to serve in this community and it is our prayer that you and your families stay healthy and safe.
Nidicka Frederick,
Owner and Director, New Way Youth Services, Inc.
New Way Youth Services
Transitional Living Program
New Way Youth Services
Transitional Living Program
To inquire about program services or submit a placement referral for consideration,
Nidicka Frederick, Program Director

Support Our gofundme Campaign
Support Our gofundme Campaign
Fundraising is an important part of the work we do and we appreciate your donations! 100% of your donation goes to building and developing this program and making provisions for the residents who utilize our services. View our campaign at https://www.gofundme.com/creating-family-together and help us change lives for the better!
A Safe Home Environment
A Safe Home Environment
New Way Youth Services is a 4 bed residential home setting in rural, PA. At New Way, our girls are exposed to the beautiful natural setting of the Pocono Mountains, a school district equipped to handle special educational needs, and the fullness of community living.
A Knowledgeable, Caring Staff
A Knowledgeable, Caring Staff
What makes us different? Our staff! We are a group of educated, Christian social workers with a heart of servitude who believe that our servant-leader approach to community service and care is not only proven but life changing. We strive to serve with patience, tolerance, respect and love.
An Opportunity to Make a Difference
An Opportunity to Make a Difference
Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing while expecting different results. Here we promote opportunities for change. We don't only promote positive transformation, we celebrate it. New Way is committed to developing the gifts and talents of each resident so that they can live to their fullest potential.

New Way Youth Services
PO Box 256 Tannersville, PA 18372